Fully Managed

Effortless Kubernetes Management Hosted in Germany!

Experience the power of Fully Managed Kubernetes, where effortless management meets the reliability of hosting in Germany. Scale, secure, and streamline your containerized applications with confidence.

Seamless Kubernetes Management for Enhanced Software Development

Fully managed Kubernetes is a service that offers comprehensive cluster infrastructure management. It liberates your team from the complexities of handling underlying infrastructure, allowing them to concentrate on crafting and deploying exceptional software. With this, your team gains more time and resources to enhance and elevate applications instead of being burdened by cluster management.

Cluster provisioning and scaling of nodes or container resources

This involves setting up and adjusting the infrastructure needed to run Kubernetes clusters, including adding or removing nodes and container resources as required.

Automatic scaling based on resource usage

You can automatically adjust the number of containers or nodes based on how much CPU, memory, or other resources are being used to ensure optimal performance.

Automatic upgrades and patching

Kubedo Managed Kubernetes services handle the process of updating the Kubernetes software and patching vulnerabilities to keep the cluster secure and up to date.

Backups and disaster recovery

These services typically include automated backups of cluster configurations and data, as well as plans and tools for recovering from unexpected failures or disasters.

Monitoring and logging

Managed Kubernetes solutions provide tools for monitoring the health and performance of applications and infrastructure, along with logging capabilities to track events and troubleshoot issues.

Security, access controls and network isolation

We offer security measures like access control policies, authentication, and network segmentation to protect the cluster and its resources from unauthorized access and threats.

Automatic self-healing

Kubernetes can detect and automatically recover from failures, ensuring that applications remain available even when issues arise.

Performance optimization

Managed Kubernetes services include optimization features to help fine-tune resource allocation and application performance.

Automatic horizontal scaling

This means the ability to automatically add or remove instances of applications based on demand, ensuring consistent performance during traffic spikes or lulls.

24/7 support and troubleshooting

Managed services typically offer continuous customer support and assistance with resolving issues and optimizing the Kubernetes environment.

These companies
trust us

"Als Kunde von Kubedos Managed IT Services können wir mit Zuversicht sagen, dass sie unsere Erwartungen in jeder Hinsicht übertroffen haben. Wir empfehlen Kubedo nachdrücklich jedem Unternehmen, das zuverlässige, umfassende und kostengünstige IT-Lösungen sucht."
Jan G.
Jan G.
Senior Developer / Berlin
Ihr Team war eine unschätzbare Bereicherung für unser Unternehmen, indem es uns die technische Unterstützung bietet, die wir benötigen, um in dem heutigen Markt wettbewerbsfähig zu bleiben.
Milan K.
Milan K.
Büroleiter, Berlin
"Wir nutzen die Managed IT Services von Kubedo nun schon seit mehreren Monaten, und wir sind beeindruckt von ihrer Fachkompetenz und ihrer schnellen Reaktionszeit. Immer wenn wir eine Frage haben oder Hilfe benötigen, steht ihr Team uns zur Verfügung."
Alex M.
Alex M.
Projektmanager, Stockholm
"Ihr Team ist reaktionsschnell, kompetent und immer bereit, die Extrameile zu gehen, um sicherzustellen, dass unsere technologischen Anforderungen erfüllt werden. Kubedo ist wirklich zu einem vertrauenswürdigen Partner für unser Unternehmen geworden."
Ralph S.
Ralph S.
Founder,SRE / Berlin
"Als CTO eines Softwareunternehmens bin ich äußerst beeindruckt von den von unserem Partner Kubedo bereitgestellten verwalteten Kubernetes-Services. Ihre Expertise in Kubernetes war entscheidend für unsere Fähigkeit, unsere containerisierten Anwendungen effizient bereitzustellen und zu verwalten"
Sarah D
Sarah D
CTO, Developer / Berlin


Managed Kubernetes is a service that simplifies the deployment, scaling, and management of containerized applications using Kubernetes technology. We handle the infrastructure, updates, and maintenance, allowing you to focus on your applications.

Choosing Managed Kubernetes from Kubedo means gaining access to a reliable, secure, and efficient Kubernetes management solution backed by a team of experts who are dedicated to ensuring your success. Because:

  • Expertise and Support: Kubedo’s team of experts ensures that your Kubernetes environment is well-maintained, secure, and optimized, allowing you to focus on your applications while we handle the infrastructure.

  • Reliability: We prioritize the reliability of your applications with high availability, automatic scaling, and disaster recovery mechanisms in place, ensuring your services remain online and responsive.

  • Security: Kubedo implements robust security measures, access controls, and network isolation to safeguard your data and applications, ensuring compliance with industry standards and regulations.

  • Efficiency: Managed Kubernetes streamlines operations, handling updates, patching, and scaling automatically, optimizing resource allocation and application performance, which can lead to cost savings.

  • Monitoring and Troubleshooting: We provide integrated monitoring and logging tools, empowering you to monitor application health, access detailed logs, and troubleshoot issues quickly and effectively.

  • Compliance and Data Residency: Our service is hosted in Germany, ensuring compliance with data residency requirements and regulations, providing peace of mind to businesses with specific data location needs.

  • Scalability: Kubedo’s Managed Kubernetes allows you to easily scale your applications both horizontally and vertically, adapting to changing workloads and business demands.

  • Cost-Effective: You only pay for the resources you use, thanks to Kubernetes’ dynamic scaling capabilities. This helps optimize costs and ensures efficient resource utilization.

  • Seamless Integration: Our Managed Kubernetes service seamlessly integrates with CI/CD pipelines, making it easy to automate deployments and updates for your applications.

  • 24/7 Support: Kubedo offers round-the-clock customer support and troubleshooting assistance, ensuring that you have access to help whenever you need it.

  • Migration Support: If you’re migrating existing applications to Kubernetes, our team can provide guidance and support throughout the migration process.

  • Flexibility: Kubedo’s Managed Kubernetes is flexible and suitable for a wide range of applications and workloads, from microservices to data-intensive applications and more.

Yes, we prioritize security. We implement access controls, network isolation, and regular security updates to safeguard your data.

Yes, you can monitor application performance and access detailed logs through our integrated monitoring and logging tools.

You only pay for the resources you use. Managed Kubernetes allows for efficient resource allocation, optimizing costs. Content

We offer 24/7 customer support to assist with any issues or questions you may have.

Yes, our Managed Kubernetes service is hosted in Germany, ensuring data residency and compliance with local regulations.

Yes, you can migrate your applications to Managed Kubernetes with our assistance and guidance.

Getting started is easy. Simply contact us, and our team will guide you through the setup and deployment process.

Interested? Schedule a free consultation today!