Managed Cloud

Your Customized Cloud Solution

Manage your cloud with confidence and ease. Hosted in Germany!

Customized Cloud Solutions

We develop customized cloud solutions that are optimized to drive your business forward, whether it’s using the best on-premises open-source solutions or leveraging products from public cloud providers like AWS, GCP, Azure, and Digital Ocean.

What do you get:

Cloud consulting

Free consultation for the necessary cloud features to achieve your business goals.

Design and implementation of cloud infrastructure.

Swift and detailed design of customized cloud infrastructures to ensure stable availability and performance.

Cloud migration

Transition to public or private cloud solutions, either through the migration and adaptation of existing systems or through the development of cloud-based applications from scratch.

Multi-cloud deployment

The ability to span your systems across multiple cloud providers, using Kubernetes as an intermediate layer.

On-premises cloud systems

We provide the option to establish an on-premises cloud solution using OpenStack, Harvester, or Proxmox.

Cloud monitoring solutions

Cloud monitoring tools that meet your specific requirements: Checkmk, Prometheus, Zabbix, Nagios.

Logging, notification, and data processing

Configuring intelligent logging systems with predefined alerts and automated responses for common issues

Data visualization and analysis

Flexible dashboards that transform your operational data into insights for your business

These companies trust us

"Als Kunde von Kubedos Managed IT Services können wir mit Zuversicht sagen, dass sie unsere Erwartungen in jeder Hinsicht übertroffen haben. Wir empfehlen Kubedo nachdrücklich jedem Unternehmen, das zuverlässige, umfassende und kostengünstige IT-Lösungen sucht."
Jan G.
Jan G.
Senior Developer / Berlin
Ihr Team war eine unschätzbare Bereicherung für unser Unternehmen, indem es uns die technische Unterstützung bietet, die wir benötigen, um in dem heutigen Markt wettbewerbsfähig zu bleiben.
Milan K.
Milan K.
Büroleiter, Berlin
"Wir nutzen die Managed IT Services von Kubedo nun schon seit mehreren Monaten, und wir sind beeindruckt von ihrer Fachkompetenz und ihrer schnellen Reaktionszeit. Immer wenn wir eine Frage haben oder Hilfe benötigen, steht ihr Team uns zur Verfügung."
Alex M.
Alex M.
Projektmanager, Stockholm
"Ihr Team ist reaktionsschnell, kompetent und immer bereit, die Extrameile zu gehen, um sicherzustellen, dass unsere technologischen Anforderungen erfüllt werden. Kubedo ist wirklich zu einem vertrauenswürdigen Partner für unser Unternehmen geworden."
Ralph S.
Ralph S.
Founder,SRE / Berlin
"Als CTO eines Softwareunternehmens bin ich äußerst beeindruckt von den von unserem Partner Kubedo bereitgestellten verwalteten Kubernetes-Services. Ihre Expertise in Kubernetes war entscheidend für unsere Fähigkeit, unsere containerisierten Anwendungen effizient bereitzustellen und zu verwalten"
Sarah D
Sarah D
CTO, Developer / Berlin

Why should Kubedo manage your cloud?

Experienced experts for all cloud providers

To provide migrations, cloud backup services, and the setup of hybrid multicloud environments for our customers, a considerable level of expertise across all cloud providers is required. Therefore, the professional industry experience of our least experienced team member is 10 years!

Faster Service Level Agreements (SLAs)

Having fewer customers than major cloud providers allows us to process support requests much faster. As a result, our customers receive the uninterrupted attention and support they need without being stuck in a long ticket queue.

Open-source preferences, no vendor lock-in

We prefer free components like Kubernetes, Terraform, Ansible, and the ELK Stack wherever possible, instead of integrating cloud-specific features into your infrastructure. This way, your cloud-based infrastructure is not tied to a specific cloud provider and can be easily adjusted as needed.

No payment for services you don't need

Public cloud providers do not offer their products and cloud computing services for free. Most products are designed to work in bundles with other tools. So, when operating infrastructure from public cloud providers, you often have to pay for some package components that you don't actually need to make the cloud services you really need work properly. With Kubedo, you only pay for the resources you actually consume.

Schedule a free consultation today!